Thursday, May 23, 2013

Ready for a Whole New World

Oh-my-goodness, I'm typically not a You Tube junkie, but a few weeks ago it managed to keep me giggling (and, at times, a bit teary eyed) for an entire evening! I started out searching for the First Grade, First Grade song WITH words (I CAN NOT sing people)! My darling colleagues thought I was going to teach 60 kids to sing the song with out lyrics!! HA! Funny girls they are, but that's NOT happening. Well, I was unsuccessful finding the song, but had a GREAT time trying! Some of the kindergarten videos out there are so completely darling!

 During my search, I wound up at a cute little website called I giggled and 'ooohhhed' and 'awwwwed' at the videos and fell IN LOVE with the song. The song is called "Ready for a Whole New World" by Tiffany and Steven Ventic. It's so precious! You seriously need to check it out! 
If your school years ends soon, you may want to file this away for next year, as it did take me some time to receive the song. They tell you up front that you have to wait for PayPal to clear before they will send you your download link. The song is $1.99.

Tonight I leave you with, 'You Know You're a Teacher When...'

You find yourself singing end of the year songs (or any other school song) in your head while you're brushing your teeth, doing your hair, cooking dinner, driving....yeah, you pretty much get where I'm going with this...everywhere!

Until next time...Happy Teaching!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Mom, Mother, Mama, Mum...Happy Mother's Day!

Happy, Happy Mother's Day (early) to all the moms out there! Here's a quick peak at what my little darlings did for their mothers.

I purchased flats of 8 flowers each at Home Depot. I purchased flowering Vincas because they come in several different colors and they grow in full sunlight...a necessary requirement when you live in the desert! The students chose a flower from the flat and 'planted' it in a Dixie cup.

The students then wrote Happy Mother's Day on the poem/card to give to their mother with the flower.

We also learned about adjectives. We discussed what are adjectives and then wrote adjectives for our moms on a bubble map. The students then chose one adjective from the bubble map to fill in the sentence 'My mom is _____.'

The next step was to draw a portrait of their mom. The ABSOLUTE most adorable thing was listening to the kids talk to each other about how their mom looks and then seeing how they drew her. Look at how cute they are... 

Don't you just LOVE kid illustrations?!

The materials I used with my students can be purchased from my TPT store for a buck! Click HERE to head that way! In the Mother's Day set, I've included three options for writing the sentence on the portrait page. One where they simply fill in the adjective (as seen above), one with a blank, three dotted line, and one with just a straight line.

Until next time...Happy Teaching!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Super Teacher Appreciation Sale

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I LOVE teachers and TODAY, it's all about YOU! Every single one of the products in my TPT store is on sale for 20% off. Wowzers, you don't wanna miss this!

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