Wednesday, August 8, 2012

As Promised...

I mentioned in my last post that I was working on a song poster to go with the Five Silly Monsters song book.  Well, it's done!  I love using interactive song posters in my classroom and my kiddos typically wear them out at centers. Here is the final semi-final product (I need to 'cutsie' it up a bit with some type of border when I can get into my classroom and get all of my craft goodies)

If you read my last post, you know that I bought monster puppets to use with this song, but I know not everyone is a shop-a-holic retail investigator.  I scoured Teachers Pay Teachers to find free monster puppets to share with you all, but came back empty handed (imagine the sad look on my face).  So, off to Google I went.  Google has and knows everything, right?!?  I got SUPER excited when I found some HERE at NickJr for, drumroll,... freeee!  Here is my disclaimer about these masks/puppets...They are from the show Yo Gabba Gabba which I also researched to learn is targeted toward preschool age children.  You KNOW what that means!  If the kids recognize the monsters, they may turn up their noses.  My cartoon challenged self has learned by experience that kids are VERY particular about their cartoons, wink wink!  End disclaimer.  As I was saying,  I think they are cute and would work as an added manipulative for the song.  

In addition to a counting or subtracting lesson, this song can be used for those weird five to ten minute time slots that tend to pop up from time to time before lunch or specials.  If you're in like, or love, grab this poster by clicking on the picture or on the TPT button located in the left side bar. 

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1 comment:

  1. OMGoodness...I am dying from all of your cuteness over here. I LOVE your blog. I am all about "cutesifying"!!!

    I bet your classroom is just adorable!

    Be sure and add a follow button when you get the chance. Go to design at the top of your blog and then layout. Choose add a gadget and the follow button is the 9th choice...I would love to follow you. =)

    Hop over and visit me when you get the chance...I have some *freebies* too! =)

    Heather's Heart


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