Monday, August 12, 2013

Teacher Week '13...Meet the Teacher Monday

I'm linking up with Blog Hoppin' for Teacher Week '13.  This is my first ever linky post and I'm super-dee-duper excited!
Prepare to learn 10 bits of randomness that you probably never cared to know about me!  First things first, I'm Andrea and I live in the 'fabulous' Las Vegas, Nevada.
1.  I love camping and hiking.  I adore my high heels and dresses, but don't mind trading them in for a weekend in hiking shoes and leggings.  I can roast a mean marshmallow and have been known to eat my fair share of s'mores!  Nothing beats the smell of a campfire!
2.  I don't watch TV.  Or movies!  Gasp!  My eyes glaze over when people start talking about what's hot on television.  All of these make my head spin...why not just one that controls the channels and volume?!
I spent several years of my adult life without a television in my home...

3.  Then I met the man of my dreams and he put an end to no television.  Hey, you can't win them all!   We have been truly inseparable since the day we met 3 years ago.  He is such a kind and generous man!
4.  I run this town (literally) and love it!  To date, I've ran 5 half marathons and numerous other shorter races.  Mud run?  Count me in!  I believe running makes me a better person.
5.  Growing up I had my own horse that I showed at horse shows.  My mom and sister still have several horses in Michigan.  See awkward, old photo below!
6.  I love pink!!  In my bachelorette pad, I had a pink accent walls in my kitchen and pink accents in my living room!  LOVE!  Ok, possibly a bit obsessed!  Maybe someday I'll have a sweet little girl and have an excuse to buy an excessive amount of pink stuff again.  In the meantime, the boyfriend wins again!
7.  I may live in a big city, but I was raised a country girl in 'Pure Michigan'.  I listen to country music and am currently obsessed with all songs Easton Corbin.  I even got to see him in concert last year!  This is one of my faves...
8.  I have a weird OCDish tendency that all things must be facing forward.  Shampoo, conditioner, ketchup, laundry detergent, perfume, hand soap, you get the idea, if it has a label, it must be facing forward.  My boyfriend often calls me out for rearranging the cupboards and refrigerator to face the labels forward.  Maybe it's all part of my love for organization.

9.  I {heart} the pool, but hate to swim.  Okymoron much?  Maybe I should rephrase that...I could spend every day on my raft in the pool.  Pair that with a hollywood gossip Us Weekly magazine and I'm set!
10.  I'm a Starbucks junky!  I seriously would drink a carmel macchiato every-single-day if that was acceptable (and a bit healthier).  Instead, I settle for my organic carmel coffee and carmel macchiato creamer.  Except Fridays!  Fridays are total Starbucks days.  That's the deal I had to make for myself.  It wouldn't be nearly as difficult to follow my own rule if I didn't pass 4 on my way to work every day!
Ok, that's me!  Pure and simple.  Be sure to check back tomorrow for day 2 of Teacher Week '13.
Follow along and/or link up here to join Teacher Week '13.


  1. Hi Andrea! I loved reading about you :) I love the pool, and where I live is just too hot, which makes me want to be at a pool right now.

    1. Thanks, Alexa! I feel ya', girl! I think it was 106 degrees here yesterday! Eeek!

  2. Hi! I found your blog through Blog Hoppin’ Teacher Week! The summer went too fast and I cannot believe it is that time of year again!

    I also love the pool, as long as I am in a raft...working on my tan! And Starbucks, non fat caramel latte, YUM!

    Check out my Monday: Let’s Talk About the Teacher blog post!
    If You Give a Teacher a Treat

    1. What a darling blog you have...and you KNOW I love the little Starbucks cup in the teacher's hand! Good luck as you venture in to school to finish up your classroom! Thanks for popping by my blog!

  3. Good thing you didn't tell me about your "forward facing" obsession sooner. I would have sneaked into your classroom and turned things around :)Enjoying your blog and all the great things you have created. Have a great school year!

    1. Oh, Jen! I sure will miss your crazy antics this year! ;-) And, of course, thanks for being part of my 'audience'!


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